Monday, 2 November 2009

Arduino code

I see some of you are interested in the code.. well here it is, unedited:


int xPin = 2; // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int gyroPin = 1;
int steerPin = 3;
int ledPin = 13; // select the pin for the LED
int pwmPinL = 9;
int pwmPinR = 10;
int enPin = 7;

float angle = 0;
float angle_old = 0;
float angle_dydx = 0;
float angle_integral = 0;
float balancetorque = 0;
float rest_angle = 0;
float currentspeed = 0;
int steeringZero = 0;
int steering = 0;
int steeringTemp = 0;

float p = 8; //2
float i = 0; //0.005
float d = 1300; //1000

float gyro_integration = 0;
float xZero = 0;
int gZero = 445; //this is always fixed, hence why no initialisation routine
unsigned long time, oldtime;
int pwmL;
int pwmR;
boolean over_angle = 0;

void setup() {
unsigned int i = 0;
unsigned long j = 0; //maximum possible value of j in routine is 102300 (100*1023)

pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // declare the ledPin as an OUTPUT
TCCR1B = TCCR1B & 0b11111000 | 0x01;
for (i = 0; i < j =" j" steeringzero =" analogRead(steerPin);" xzero =" j/100;" oldtime =" micros();" time =" micros();">= (oldtime+5000)){
oldtime = time;

steering = (analogRead(steerPin) - steeringZero)/(15+(abs(angle)*8));

if (angle > 20 || angle < -20) { digitalWrite(enPin,HIGH); over_angle = 1; delay(500); } //-----END----- if (over_angle) { //if over_angle happened, give it a chance to reset when segway is level if (angle <> -1) {
digitalWrite(enPin, LOW);
over_angle = 0;
else {

//-----calculate rest angle-----
if (currentspeed > 10)
rest_angle = 0;
angle_integral += angle;
balancetorque = ((angle+rest_angle)*p) + (angle_integral*i) + (angle_dydx*d);
angle_dydx = (angle - angle_old)/200; //now in degrees per second
angle_old = angle;
currentspeed += (balancetorque/200);

pwmL = (127 + balancetorque + steering);

if (pwmL < pwml =" 0;"> 255)
pwmL = 255;

pwmR = (127 - balancetorque + steering);

if (pwmR < pwmr =" 0;"> 255)
pwmR = 255;

analogWrite(pwmPinL, pwmL);
analogWrite(pwmPinR, pwmR);

void calculateAngle() {
//Analogref could be as small as 2.2V to improve step accuracy by ~30%
//uses small angle approximation that sin x = x (in rads). maybe use arcsin x for more accuracy?
//analogref is off the gyro power supply voltage, and routine is calibrated for 3.3V. maybe run acc/gyro/ref off 1 3.3V regulator, an
//accurately measure that.
//routine runs at 200hz because gyro maximum response rate = 200hz
float acc_angle = 0;
float gyro_angle = 0;

acc_angle = (((analogRead(xPin)-xZero)/310.3030)*(-57.2958);
gyro_angle = ((analogRead(gyroPin) - gZero)*4.8099)/200;
gyro_integration = gyro_integration + gyro_angle; //integration of gyro and gyro angle calculation
angle = (gyro_integration * 0.99) + (acc_angle * 0.01); //complementary filter
gyro_integration = angle; //drift correction of gyro integration
